Sunday, January 25, 2009

Warning: Don't Drive During Death Blizzards

I'm going to Tarantino this story a little bit, of course, without the dramatic music, fight scenes, and untimely death, you can fill in those blanks.

So there I was, sweating and panic stricken, my life literally flashing before my eyes, or maybe that was the headlights of the oncoming cars blinding me? But either way, terror ripping through my body as I made a turn on a winding road during a horrific snow storm, aka the one going on right now. BUT ALAS, as I made my turn, my car didn't feel the necessity to follow suit, this is the moment, where I know, oh dear god, I'm screwed. There I go, slipping and sliding and narrowly missing a fence, as I get stuck in a ditch. This is the monotonous fun part, where I'm going back and forth, back and forth, trying to get out of this hell hole, that's trapping me and my beloved Jeep, Kurt, you can only imagine cars have begun forming a line behind me out of sheer annoyance. But here, we reach the climax in my little adventure, where I jut out of this ditch with full throttle, charging into the opposite lane. Drivings fun isn't it? But no need to feel bad for me, feel bad for the fence, the person walking in that weather? and the car I almost hit, and for what? to bring a book back to the library, go figure.

I'm moving to California.


belethlich said...

Oh you kids who live in the land of terrible weather.

Cami said...

hahah thank you for your pity