Sunday, November 9, 2008

Prop H8te

I was at the SLC protest on Friday, which was pretty badass there is just something so awe-inspiring about people of all types,
orientations, races, genders, etc etc. getting together and just fighting for the greater good, basically saying, equality is the way to go, stop the hate, spread the love. It was freezing outside but being there, I felt so warm, its nice to be reminded that we can gather peacefully with nothing but love in the air, showing there are some people in this world who want to abolish hate like I do, there is already so much injustice in this world, we need to unite in this, become an equal human race, become onelove.

In the words of Harvey Milk "All men are created equal, no matter how hard you try, you can never erase those words, that is what America is!"

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